

Future-proof CRM solutions to transform oil and gas operations


Embracing for a greener future

In the face of rising environmental regulations, cybersecurity threats, and a shortage of skilled talent, oil and gas companies are encountering unprecedented challenges. To tackle them, the industry is actively embracing digitalization and incorporating advanced technologies like the Internet of Things (IoT) to enhance their customer relationship management (CRM) platforms. Leveraging more than a decade of expertise in the oil and gas sector, Bolt Data has helped oil and gas companies implement platforms like Salesforce and integrate IoT solutions such as Bolt Data Connect for complete asset life cycle management and a single source of truth.

Our Solutions for


Real-time IoT Asset Monitoring

Get instant insights into asset performance and health remotely and automate service responses within Salesforce. Learn more about Bolt Data Connect. 


Comprehensive Asset Management

Manage assets in a unified CRM platform to not only improve production, but to maintain better inventory control and reduce equipment downtime.


Safety and Risk Mitigation for Field Operations

Ensure worker safety with real-time sensor monitoring of an asset's temperature, vibration, location and more - even in remote, offshore locations.


Regulatory Compliance Tracking

Adhere to industry standards with a centralized CRM platform, like Salesforce, to store data for audits, manage documents, automate workflows and more.


Supply Chain System Integrations

Connect external systems, such as supply chain management systems, to Salesforce for unified data to enhance efficiency and agility.


Analytics, Reporting and Dashboards

Leverage powerful data insights with tools including Salesforce and Tableau to make informed decisions and optimize production processes. 

How can oil and gas field services benefit from IoT?

Oil fields, often situated in vast and remote areas, pose challenges due to their difficult accessibility and harsh conditions. Operations involve extensive mechanical equipment, pumps, and the handling of hazardous fluids. Explore our POV to discover the advantages of employing IoT in optimizing oil and gas field service operations.

Ready to modernize your