Real world examples of asset monitoring

Discover how service organizations across industries are leveraging asset data to reduce service delivery costs and improve customer satisfaction.

Customers deserve assets that work.
Anomaly and Failure Detection

Detect deviations from normal asset operations and resolve issues before they escalate

Usage-based Preventative Maintenance

Schedule maintenance activities based on actual asset usage rather than fixed intervals to extend the lifespan of assets and reduce maintenance costs

Inventory and Parts Tracking

Streamline inventory management and enhance supply chain efficiency with visibility into the location, status, and utilization of assets

Evidence-based Selling and Marketing

Tailor marketing and sales approaches with a deep understanding of customer usage patterns to align offerings with customer needs

An oil and gas company monitors real-time temperature and smoke levels on remote, offshore oil rigs.
An MRI machine service provider auto-dispatches a technician to refill a helium tank when the level gets too low.
An EV charger service company remotely updates software for card payment readers.
A printer manufacturer uses Servitization Plans to invoice customers automatically each month based on the number of prints.
A solar energy producer monitors real-time energy production across thousands of solar panels.

Discover use cases

Explore what's possible

Dive deeper into the possibilities of asset monitoring and how industries are benefitting.

Medical Devices
Monitoring diverse on-the-go medical devices without compromising privacy to improve patient outcomes.
EV Equipment
Ensuring operational chargers and monitoring usage of remote charging stations to maximize revenue.
Detecting hazardous equipment failures and optimizing production to ensure worker safety and operational efficiency.
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